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The Most Expensive Apps

Which Are the Most Expensive Apps?

Apps are a reality present on all electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets and computers

In fact, everyone can decide to download numerous applications based on their interests and needs.

However, although most of the apps are free, there are many others that are paid.

Some of them have a cost really very high and in fact fall under the classification of the app most expensive in the world.

Where to Buy the Most Expensive Apps

The most famous stores for downloading apps from smartphones or tablets are undoubtedly Apple Store and Google Play. In fact, in both platforms it is possible to search for your favorite application and proceed with the download.

One of the most expensive apps on the Apple Store is definitely Bar Max. The latter in fact costs € 999.99: it is an application that was created in such a way as to help those who want to become a lawyer to prepare for the exam. In addition to the cost of the app, additional money will need to be added to access exclusive content .

The Applications That Have the Highest Cost

The app called Atlas of surgical operations is of a completely different kind. This is an application that could be useful to doctors as it allows you to always have the 10th edition of Robert M. Zollinger’s Atlas of Surgical Operations with you.

The McGraw-Hill Education Emergency Surgery Manual is also available for physicians . In both cases, the applications are available on Google Play: the first costs € 391.99 while the second costs € 284.99.

More Expensive Apps: What You Need to Know

Some of the most expensive appliances in the world do not have a real and its function. Many of them in fact have a very high cost but their purpose is almost unknown .

An example is the application called Most expensive app: the latter in fact, once downloaded, allows you to have an image on your device that congratulates the user on his wealth.

Abu Moo’s jewels, on the other hand, allows you to have the image of a jewel on your smartphone but nothing more. The app is also divided into six parts that can be bought all together or separately. All are also available on the Google Play platform.